
History of Your Life in 4 Objects // Childhood

My first object to represent my childhood is a photograph.

Many photographs are taken as a child grows from a baby to an infant to a junior. I have chosen three examples of this object to represent my grandparents; they were highly significant in my upbringing and only present during my childhood. Photographs are generally quite cheap to produce but because the subjects are no longer alive, the objects have great sentimental value.

These photographs were probably taken by my mum as
A) she was the only person who usually had a camera on her and 
B) she always made sure she took photos of anything of importance. This is evident from the series of photos above. From L-R: my birth, my christening and my Nana getting a kitten called Jasper.

At the time, these photos helped to create a record of me as I grew up. Now, I think the objects act as reminders of the past and people within it.

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