Since deciding that I would like to pursue Textiles instead of Fashion Design, I have been using the remainder of my time in London to get out of uni and explore lesser known places in London. Alongside this, I have started my own mini project to document my creative process and thoughts as I am influenced by the city.
I read about the Hunterian Museum a while back and thought "That sounds like an interesting place, I should go there one day" so I made sure it was the first place I visited in the city; it didn't disappoint! The main attraction of the Hunterian is it's huge collection of jars containing preserved dissections, deformities, how the embryo of animals and humans form etc. As well as being able to read about all the gore of surgery and health treatments (I miss History lessons!), the endless displays of bizarre looking surgical tools were very beautiful to look at. I picked out the most interesting shapes to create the drawing above.
The fluidity and beautiful colours made this tiled strip catch my eye; I translated my drawings into two prints below.
The first is a red pigment mixed with foil glue and heat pressed with gold foil while the second is a mixture of transparent glue binders dyed with blue and orange pigments.
I love using tape as a drawing material; the solid lines and colours of tape help me to convey the potential of pattern as a graphic print.
Leighton House is definitely one of my favourite places I've visited so far! I think the thing that most surprised me was that such a typical looking Chelsea townhouse housed an amazing temple like interior. It made me think about how I could convey the interior and atmosphere on the exterior of a building and how to translate this onto a print. Also, colour and pattern; the museum had such strong palettes of both of these, I'd love to incorporate that vibrancy into my work.